Category: Hanga | Create

Summer Learning Journey 2 Manga Drawing!

This is my manga for the summer learning journey. This time I made it myself and its created by me instead of just recolored and recreated. This was fun to do and I think it came out well remembering the fact this is my first time making one can you guess the emotion from the face? Tell me what you think in the comments stay watching for more on the summer learning journey until next time bye!

Summer Learning Journey 1 Art Coloring book

I’m Doing the summer learning journey again this year! This is my first project as always the art coloring book. I have colored a piece of art called “Lady Lighting A Lamp” painted by Abdur Rahman Chughtai I have painted and recreated it the painting on my chromebook. Stay looking out for more posts on my blog this summer so stay tuned but for now bye!

Rotoroa Island Recount

Task description: This week we have been learning how to use descriptive language in our recounts to add detail. In week five we were lucky enough to go to Rotoroa Island and for our task this week we needed to write a recount. Please check out my recount below.

On Thursday week 5 it was a sunny morning and I arrived at school. It was not any normal day because the year 5 were going to Rotoroa Island. We all went to the hall and got our name tags. There were parent helpers for the trip after checking everyone was here and making sure we had everything we all hopped on the bus to get to the ferry that was taking us to Rotoroa Island.

When we got to the marina where the boat was there was a special dog that sniffed our bags in case there were any pests in our them. We got on the boat and then someone started talking to us about the rules and safety precautions on the boat. We had lots of fun on the way to Rotoroa Island the water was beautiful and clear the people on the boat were really kind and it was a nice ride with no problems and it didn’t take long to get to the island!

When we got to the island Jenine one of the people there talked to us and then we were split into groups since lanny came I was in his group since he was my parent helper we were with to other parent helpers and Jenine was our gide around the island it was lots of fun I even collected feathers from birds that I found on the ground! When we finally got to the beach we had our lunch and then it started to rain so we had to go back since it wasn’t time to go back to the boat we waited for the rain to clear then we played a game until it was time to go back to the boat!  

On the boat to back I started by bird watching but then I came up stairs and since the people on the boat were actually marine biologists they let me look at plankton that they caught well we were on the island I got to guess what was the types of plankton in jar at one point they stopped the boat because they saw smoke coming out of the boat everyone was freaking out and I just was looking at plankton still and really didn’t care but it turned out it was from the exorcist pipes and it was just normal other then that it was smooth sailing.

We got back from the ferry and went on the got to school and went home. It was so annoying when it rained so cool seeing all the birds fun seeing the plankton but my favourite part was…. It all! What was your favourite part? I hope you enjoyed this recount see you next time but for now……………………………. !!!!!!!!!!!!THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!