Day: February 15, 2023

Treaty Of Waitangi Response To Text

Today I did my response to text task which is about the Treaty Of Waitangi I hope you enjoy.

Treaty of Waitangi 

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. When did Maori first arrive in Aotearoa, New Zealand?


  1. a) Between 1150 & 1200AD
  2. b) Between 1250 & 1350AD 
  3. c) Between 1250 & 1300AD
  4. d) Last Year


  1. In the 1790’s Pakeha arrived in NZ to do what? 


  1. a) Hunt Moa        b) Start families
  2. c) Hunt whale & seals d) Escape prison sentences


  1. What was the name of the British official sent to secure British rule over NZ?


  1. a) William Johnson           b) Abel Tasman
  2. c) William Hobson d) Captain James Cook


  1. There were two things that Maori chiefs Hone Heke Pokai and Tamati Waka Nene thought signing the treaty would help accomplish. What were they?


→The Treaty was a good thing because it would stop inter-tribal warfare

→it would also help make trade between the Maori and Pakeha easier and fairer


  1. True or False: Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi are the exact same.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. The Waitangi Tribunal was set up in 1975. Describe the job the Waitangi Tribunal have?


→The tribunal makes sure the government honour The Treaties promises. Along with that Maori can make claims to them the members of the tribunal listen to evidence just like a jury, during a hearing, evidence is given by lawyers,historias, and iwi members.Afterwards, the tribunal writes a report which are used by the government to reach agreements with iwi, these are called Treaty settlements.


colonisation When a country takes control of another country and sends people to live there. Sometimes if a country goes and takes over another country and they get some people to live there.
treaty A formally concluded and ratified agreement between to states. A promise or peace offering between people,countries,states etc.
sovereignty  Supreme power or authority. When someone (or thing) is on top and incharge.


  1. When the treaty was signed William Hobson said out loud “He iwi

tahi tātou.” (“We are one people.”)

What do you think he meant by this?


→ I think he meant we are all the same and are together and I think he said that to help convince them to sign the treaty.



  1. The article describes differences between Te Tiriti and the Treaty of Waitangi – Why do you think those differences caused difficulties?


→ I think that the fact there are two different versions of The Treaty caused difficulties because when the Pakeha said in article one with the english version they said “The Maori chiefs agree to give up their “sovereignty” to the queen of England” in the Maori version article one “the chiefs agree to give the “kawanatanga” (which means governorship) of New Zealand to the Queen Of England. Then article two English version said “The Queen Of England promises possession of their lands,forests and fishing for as long as they wish” the Maori version of article two “The chiefs are promised “tino rangatiratanga” (absolute chieftainship) over their whenua (land) kainga (villages) tonga (treasures).”With different promises and agreements meant some people thought it said a different thing to other people so that did not help because over the years some arts of The Treaty made debate and fights.